The Stories We Tell: Shifting Limiting Beliefs
Are there ancestral or family stories that are keeping you stuck? Maybe it's your belief around money, intimacy, love, or trust that keep you cycling through the same actions and patterns, without any results of progress. Our family stories are handed down from generation to generation, hardly ever questioned or rewritten. Until now.
This 10-day course will guide you through recognizing your limiting beliefs and how they've been handed down through your family line, with tools and resources on how to rewrite them for your highest good.
Honoring and Understanding Your Feelings
On Day 2, we’re going to focus on the feelings associated with our old stories and limiting beliefs using a guided visualization meditation.
On Day 2, we’re going to focus on the feelings associated with our old stories and limiting beliefs using a guided visualization meditation.
Honoring and Understanding Your Fear
On Day 3, we’re going to explore the concept of light and dark as it relates to love and fear. We’ll also dive into our emotion of fear, why we struggle with it, and how to reset our relationship with it.
On Day 3, we’re going to explore the concept of light and dark as it relates to love and fear. We’ll also dive into our emotion of fear, why we struggle with it, and how to reset our relationship with it.
How to Recognize Your Own Story
On Day 4, we’re going to use meditation and journaling to begin to extract our stories from the shadows. We will also explore setting up an altar or space in your home to honor this work.
On Day 4, we’re going to use meditation and journaling to begin to extract our stories from the shadows. We will also explore setting up an altar or space in your home to honor this work.
Facing Your Story and Giving it a Voice
On Day 5, we’re going to use creative writing to approach your story from a symbolic perspective, versus a literal one, to begin to see your limiting beliefs with eyes of compassion and forgiveness.
On Day 5, we’re going to use creative writing to approach your story from a symbolic perspective, versus a literal one, to begin to see your limiting beliefs with eyes of compassion and forgiveness.
Writing Your Old Story Ending
On Day 7, we’re officially more than halfway through the course, which means that we can now begin to write the exit ending for our old story and limiting belief.
On Day 7, we’re officially more than halfway through the course, which means that we can now begin to write the exit ending for our old story and limiting belief.
Living Your New Story and Tips for Your Future
On this last day, you will receive tips for how to nurture your new story mindset and what to do when those old stories creep in (and they will, from time to time).
On this last day, you will receive tips for how to nurture your new story mindset and what to do when those old stories creep in (and they will, from time to time).
Once you purchase the course, you will have lifetime access to the information in the course - including all Days’ content, as well as the audio recordings.
I always say - the best thing to bring is an open heart and mind. You don’t need anything specific for this course. If you are just beginning your meditation or journaling/writing journey, great! It may help to resource a journal or something to track your thoughts and stories, as well as any household items to make your meditation practices comfortable (such as pillows, props, or blankets).
There is no requirement for any journaling experience. Come as you are. The course was designed to be open and inclusive to all, regardless of writing background. This course is all about reflection, imagination, and a willingness to step into your past, present, and ultimately future. There is no wrong or right way to approach this; and however you show up will be enough for this journey.
While it wouldn’t be fair to generalize any expectation or end result, it is worth noting that any practice that allows us to witness ourselves, where we come from, and how we show up to our world is an experience that will leave us better equipped and resourced for whatever comes our way. Past students have shared how the course has highlighted their own resilience and a renewed path forward; but your result will look personal and subjective to you.
Each Day works off of the previous, with each recording lasting anywhere from 10-15 minutes. You are welcome to take as much time between each Day as you need, in order to process and sit with the information and your reflection of it. Ultimately, it is best to mould this course to your current schedule, fitting it as organically and naturally to your life as you can - so that it can meet you where you are.